
Why My Air Conditioner Is Not Responding To Remote?

Why My Air Conditioner Is Not Responding To Remote?

Remote control is available for all types of air conditioners. You may experience problems with your remote control or AC while using the air conditioner. You can usually fix the problem with your air conditioner remote by cleaning, performing basic maintenance, adjusting batteries, or moving furniture.

Check your remote control

Check to see if the screen of the remote works. A simple battery replacement will likely solve the problem. Slide the remote down to reveal all the buttons. Pull the plate further when it stops to slide it completely. You will see the battery hole. Replace the batteries and inspect the metal components for corrosion. Make sure to check the manual to ensure you’re using the right batteries. Also, inspect the remote to confirm you have them inserted correctly.

You can use a remote control that is used for another air conditioning in your house to test a unit which doesn’t function. You can use this remote to test the unit. If it works, the other remote is defective and must be replaced.


A second concern is the proximity of the unit to you. To operate the remote control, it must be at least 10 meters from the unit. There must also be no obstructions on the unit’s surface such as furniture. Remote sensor on remote control edge must have clear access to sensor at unit interface. Check the sensors of the air conditioning and the remote control. Dirt or grime may block the remote control from receiving the signal if there are dirt particles on the sensor. Wipe the sensors down with a damp cloth. Another common cause of remote control failure is moisture. Remote controls can stop working if they are exposed to liquids or spilled drinks.

You may not be near enough to the unit if you press the non-responsive button on the remote control when you turn it on.


The remote control batteries could be too weak for the device to work even when the remote is turned on and a button is pressed. Slide the back cover downwards and rotate the remote control. Remove the batteries from the remote control, test them using a battery tester, or replace the batteries. Confirm manually that you’re using the right type and size battery.


Installing the batteries incorrectly may result in the failure to control the remote. In the battery compartment, behind the remote control are the “+” or “-” symbols and possibly even a sketch of a battery. The instructions will show you where to place the batteries. The remote control will not function if you insert the battery in a different way than the instructions. Replace the batteries according to the polarity markings on the battery compartment. The air conditioner may not respond to remote commands even if the batteries have been inserted correctly. This could be due to dirt or clogging that is preventing the remote from working properly. Remove the batteries and check the metal connections in the battery chamber. You can clean the contacts with isopropyl soaked cotton cloths if you notice dirt. Remove dirt that has accumulated on the batteries.


Next, control the LED on the remote. The LED light sends a signal to a sensor located at the air conditioner interface. The LED light could become disconnected from other components if you drop the remote control. Infrared card is required to confirm that the LED on the remote is sending the correct signal. . If the card doesn’t respond to remote control commands, then the LED has been damaged. You will need to repair or replace the remote. The remote control may malfunction due to a faulty LED at the top.

Check out the unit

A second way to check if the remote is working is by excluding the possibility that the device is at fault. Press the buttons on the bottom-right of the device to see if they are working. If the buttons are working but the unit does not respond to your remote control, then you can assume the signal from the remote is not reaching or not being recognized.

Restarting the system

Reset the system if you have damaged the remote control by shutting down the main electrical system for 30 minutes. We recommend booking a service if the problem persists even after you have given feedback. A technician will then perform a diagnostic check. It may be that the panel in the indoor unit is no longer communicating with the remote control, and it needs to replaced. We will test the remote to determine if it has been damaged.

If you want to extend the lifespan of your portable remote, make sure that it is securely stored on a wall. This was done during the system installation. We recommend investing in a brand-name remote control instead of a generic one when replacing your old one. Universal remotes may offer basic features but not many. As part of the air conditioner warranty, remote controls that are damaged (but not broken) will be covered.

Call a professional urbanwale if you are still having problems with your Air Conditioning unit or remote. We will always be ready to provide our customers with a service at a reasonable price.

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